Northern Territory Government Enterprise Agreement

(e) indicate the date of the contract registration. The SWS Wage Assessment Agreement means the document as required by the Department of Social Services, which records the employee`s production capacity and agreed rate of pay. 5.2 The specific public procurement provisions define both the standard allocation requirement and the framework within which an agreement on the applicable provision can be found in practice. Note: If any of the requirements of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) of the Act 2009 that is reflected in the requirements of this clause are not met, the agreement may be terminated either by the employee or by the employer, with a written termination of up to 28 days (see p. 145 of the law). (i) the employer must keep a copy of an agreement covered in point 18.11 as a worker`s file. (i) because of an act or omission by a worker (except the aggrieved worker) or a person who is not employed but who, on behalf of the Northern Territory government, performs duties similar to those of the aggrieved worker; or (d) a person who is employed by the employer immediately prior to entering into a training contract as an adult apprentice cannot suffer a reduction in his minimum wage by entering into the training contract. if the person has been employed at the NTPS for at least six months as a full-time worker or immediately prior to the start of training as a part-time employee or casual employee. It is only for the setting of a minimum wage that the adult apprentice must continue to receive the minimum wage applicable to the information covered in points 10.3 or 10.4 (if any) where the adult apprentice was hired immediately prior to the conclusion of the training contract.

b) If the employer presents the transport in accordance with point 28.11 (iii) (iii), transportation is offered by the place of control or places defined by the employer in the agreement with the workers. This transport will have seats and protection from the elements. Relevant quality of the person at the time of entering into a training contract as an apprentice (g) An agreement must not lead to the worker`s remaining entitlement to paid annual leave being less than four weeks. 4.5 The employer must provide a copy of the agreement to each worker and keep the agreement as a time and salary record. F.2.3 A service table containing the normal hours of service of all workers, except auxiliary workers, is posted to a place accessible to workers at least seven days before it comes into force, but changes may be made at a later date due to illness or absence of another worker, either by mutual agreement or where the requirements of the Agency`s amendments are required. 4.3 The agreement must be reached between the employer and the individual worker: a worker who, in agreement with the employer, uses his own vehicle in the employer`s business, receives a salary of USD 0.62 per kilometre.

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